NetworkViewer ans Analizer 3.0 (2005)

Operating system:w3k
Download Size:696,170 bytes
Last Modified:02/19/2005 01:28:53 PM
Details zum Download:Erstellen von Diagnosen über ein bestehendes Netzwerk

Hide details for NetworkView version 3.0NetworkView version 3.0
NetworkView version 3.0

NetworkView is a compact and powerful network management tool for the Windows NT, 2000, and Windows 9x platforms.
It will discover all TCP/IP nodes in a network, using DNS, SNMP (available only for NT and 2000) and Ports information, draw a high quality color map that you can print or save for future use. It can also check the status of all or selected nodes with an ICMP polling, and send you (and/or each network manager) a SMTP mail when a system goes down. Four different lists are available.


· Windows NT 4.0 Server or Workstation, Windows 2000 Professional, Server or Advanced Server. Version 1.1 now runs on Windows 95 (with Winsock 2.0) and Windows 98.
· SNMP service should be installed on the NT platform.
· On Windows NT and 2000 platform, you must have administrator rights to use discovery and monitoring. Without these rights, you can do everything but interacting with the network.
· A resolution of 1024x768 or better is preferred

· To get the most of the NetworkView, use NT or 2000 with SNMP installed and an administrator account.

Key features :

Floppy usage

The program, plus the complete SNMP database can be used from a floppy. You even get enough space to store information for a few hundred nodes (~400 KB free).


Three types of discovery : single address, range of addresses, full subnet. Choice to use DNS, SNMP and/or Ports, customizable retries and time outs.


A complete database containing more than 5000 enterprise and device sysObjectIDs. Fully editable, with add, delete or modify capabilities. Import from text files (.csv delimited format) if you have your own lists. An internal hard coded list of the most frequent devices found in networks.

Routes discovery

A graphic box is displays for each node acting as a router , showing the addresses of the connected networks. You can add any text next to the IP information (building, city, country..) to make the destination more clear.

Ports scanning

NetworkView scans five standard ports to get more information about the nodes : FTP, TELNET, SMTP, HTTP, POP3.
You can choose to check three additional custom ports.


Full print and print preview capabilities for views and lists, producing high quality network color maps in seconds !

User interface

Multiple Document Interface let you view and/or monitor several networks at the same time. Each view is simply a container that can hold any node form any subnet. For example, a node can be in the same view as


Simultaneous monitoring of several networks through ICMP polling. Four states : UP (green), DOWN (red), UNKNOWN (blue) and NOT MONITORED (white).

Nodes sorting

In each view, the nodes can be sorted by TCP/IP address, DNS name, sysObjectID, Type, Enterprise/Device, sysName, and real time monitoring status.

SMTP alerting

You can choose to send an SMTP email to one or several addresses when a node becomes unreachable.

Nodes types

Each network node is classified as a general type with its corresponding icon : Server, Workstation, Unix station, Router, Printer, ... There are currently 16 types available. A type can be associated with each entry in the OID Database.

Nodes editing

Manual addition of nodes : you can choose to add one or x nodes manually. Routes can also be added manually on devices if you do not have the correct community name for an automatic discovery. Almost unlimited text can be entered as a note for each node.


A lot of parameters can be customized : general discovery behavior, network and color options, alerts, color or BW printing, custom ports and so on.


Four types of reports available :

· a list of nodes with notes texts,
· a list of SNMP information,
· a list of addresses and routes on each device,
· a list of information from Ports.

Print and print preview with column customization available.


Stand alone multi-threaded 32 bits C++ program. No external DLLs. Complete fast database code included. NO external DAO, ODBC, OLE DB, ADO needed (you would die before finding the correct version...).

network Layout
Network chart
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